Posted By: | November 26, 2020 |

Nigeria: Destiny Calls

Nigeria’s most recent democratic transition following the March 2015 elections witnessed President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB)’s APC achieving a record feat by defeating then incumbent Goodluck Jonathan’s PDP. Assuming office in May, PMB formed his cabinet in November 2015. The six-month delay unnerved investors, but PMB made amends by appointing a sizeable number of technocrats to his cabinet handing them key ministries like finance, budget and planning, trade, industries and investment, solid minerals, petroleum, health, education, environment, foreign affairs, etc. Two former governors – proven performers – were appointed to the power, housing and works and transport ministries. The seriousness of the task at hand – to deliver “change” and meet citizens’ expectations for better quality of life despite the inclement economic climate – impel a departure from erstwhile culture of political patronage.

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