Posted By: | December 08, 2020 |

‘Employers Aware’! The “Finality” of Decisions of the National Industrial Court: A Review of Skye Bank Plc v Anaemem Iwu

The National Industrial Court (NIC) Act, Cap. N115, LFN 2004 was enacted in 2006, repealing the Trade Dispute Act (TDA), Cap. 432 LFN 1990 which originally established the NIC in 1976, and attempted to resolve the controversies surrounding the jurisdictional status of the Court. Section 1(3) NIC Act provides that the NIC shall be a superior court of record, having all the powers of a High Court, unless otherwise provided; the TDA had no equivalent provision. Section 240 1999 Constitution affirms the superior court status of NIC by ranking it equally with the High Courts, from whose decisions’ appeals lie to the Court of Appeal (CA). The NIC Act (section 7) and 1999 Constitution (section 254(c)) expanded the jurisdiction of the NIC, conferring additional adjudicatory powers from the initial trade dispute/collective agreement related matters in section 20 TDA.

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