Posted By: | November 30, 2020 |

Banking Services For All: Legal Imperatives in Driving Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

Financial Inclusion (FinInc) has recently become an increasingly significant topic amongst all stakeholders (both public and private sectors), in Nigeria`s financial service industry (FSI). For most people, access to financial services and becoming part of formal financial ecosystem is or ought to be, an important part of everyday life. It is a pre-requisite for gaining employment in most countries.3 Absence presents a significant barrier to engagement in modern society, and can also lead to individuals incurring significant additional costs due to reliance on suboptimal forms of financial access. Those who are financially excluded in this way typically experience other forms of social exclusion, or have other vulnerabilities related to old age, disability, deprivation or a lack of digital skills, meaning that the effects of financial exclusion are compounded.

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